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Search Help

1) To search, enter search terms in the search text box and click the 'Find' button. Results will be displayed in a table underneath, each containing the title and description of the matching plan.

2) Click a row in the search list to jump to plan on the 'Available Plans' page.

3) To return to the Search View, click the 'Search' link at the top of any page. Search results are retained until you perform a new search.

4) To rerun a previous search, select the 'Search History' link at the top of the search page, then click an item in the Search History table.

5) Search keywords are AND, OR, NOT, and NEAR, which must be capitalized to be effective. Searches are not case sensitive and most punctuation is ignored; however, placing quotation marks around a phrase will search for that entire phrase, and the asterisk functions as a wild card. By default, NEAR means "within 10 words". The effect can be narrowed or broadened by adding a foward slash, '/', followed by a number -- e.g., "NEAR/3" means "within 3 words". Parenthesis can be used for grouping terms.

The text search database includes common words like "of" "the", "and", etc. However, words such as these should only be used in constructing phrases (enclosed within quotes), to avoid long searches with essentially meaningless results.

Sample searches:

faith NEAR just*matches 'faith' and 'just', 'justify', 'justified', etc., within 10 words of each other, in either order.
faith NEAR/3 just*ditto, but within 3 words
faith OR just*either word or word group
faith AND just*both words or word groups
faith just*same as above, "AND" is implied
faith NOT just*'faith' is found, but NOT 'just', 'justify', etc.
faith AND (justify OR justified)matches 'faith' with either 'justify' or 'justified'
"justified by faith"matches that exact phrase
all of thereturns 350+ results, each containing 'all', 'of', and 'the'
"all of the"returns 1 result, containing 'all of the'